Free Resources

These free resources are usually exclusive treats we share with our trusted team and members to make their lives easier. Inside this mix box, you’ll find a treasure trove of knowledge and handy tips that we’re excited to expand. Consider this your VIP pass to download them directly from here! Shh, don’t tell anyone – it’s our way of making your journey smoother and more successful.

The project information is much more than code, there is a lot of knowledge that need to be capture and we can not afford to lose (or depend from a single person).
The best way to protect your information is to organize your information.

In this repository you will find a set of README templates, Pull Request templates and other types of documentaiton templates that you can attach to your repositores and give to your developers the ordet that they need.

Access Repository


These is some of the most interesting carrousels I posted on Linkedin

Get API in a Nutshell

Document your backend Readme

Frontend Development Architecture

We will be adding new materials soon…!